BIOCOM Applauds Passage Of 21st Century Cures Act

SAN DIEGO, July 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Biocom, the association for the Southern California life science community, issued the following statement regarding passage of H.R.6, the 21st Century Cures Act in the U.S. House of Representatives today by a vote of 344-77. This statement may be attributed to Joe Panetta, President & CEO of Biocom:

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“Today marks a historic moment for the future of innovation in the United States and a promise of new treatments and cures for millions of patients. The 21st Century Cures Act will make much needed changes to our regulatory environment, improve our innovation ecosystem, and ensure that patients have access to life-enhancing and life-saving products faster. This landmark legislation offers a comprehensive and targeted set of proposals that address some of the most pressing challenges that currently hinder biomedical innovation and the development of the next generation of modern medicines.

The legislation includes additional discretionary and mandatory funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which will ensure that the Institutes have the resources to keep pace with biomedical inflation and continue driving biomedical research and development in the United States. The bill would also improve efficiency, hiring, and training at the NIH and FDA; establish a priority review pathway for breakthrough medical devices; require clear standards for biomarker acceptance and qualification; advance the use of modern trial designs and real-world evidence; and create a pharmaceutical and technology Ombudsman at CMS, among others.

Biocom applauds this large-scale, bipartisan, and collaborative effort that has consistently engaged a broad range of stakeholders, from government agencies to patient groups to industry, since its inception a year ago. We hope that the Senate will consider similar legislation soon and look forward to continuing working with Congress on issues that were not addressed in the bill, including reimbursement of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services.”

Click here to view the legislation.

About Biocom
Biocom is one of the largest regional life science associations in the world, representing more than 660 member companies in Southern California. The association focuses on initiatives that position the region’s life science industry competitively on the world stage, and on the development and delivery of innovative products that improve health and quality of life. For more information on Biocom or the Southern California biotechnology and medical device community, please visit the organization’s Web site at or call (858) 455-0300.

Biocom media contact:
Heidi Giesing Chokeir

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