Sanaria Inc. Release: Hoffman Elected To Membership In The Institute Of Medicine Of National Academies

ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Stephen L. Hoffman, M.D., Founder, Chief Executive and Scientific Officer of Sanaria Inc., Rockville, Maryland has been elected to membership in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of Sciences. The IOM announced on October 18, 2004 that 65 new members have been elected, raising the Institute’s total active membership to 1,416. Harvey Fineberg, IOM President said, “Members are elected through a highly selective process that recognizes people who have made major contributions to the advancement of the medical sciences, health care, and public health. Election is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of medicine and health.” For more information on the Institute of Medicine see

Sanaria Inc. was founded in 2003 and has the goal to develop and commercialize a non-replicating, metabolically active (attenuated) malaria sporozoite vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum, the malaria parasite responsible for more than 95 percent of malaria-associated severe illness and death world-wide, and the malaria parasite for which there is the most significant drug resistance. Sanaria Inc. is managed by CEO/CSO Stephen L. Hoffman M.D., D.T.M.H. and V.P. Operations, Robert C. Thompson and has its primary laboratories and offices in Rockville, Md. For more information see

CONTACT: Robert Thompson of Sanaria Inc., +1-301-770-3222,

Sanaria Inc.

CONTACT: Robert Thompson of Sanaria Inc., +1-301-770-3222,